Frederick, MD – Frederick County Circuit Court Judge Julie Stevenson Solt issued a written opinion today, following a day-long waiver hearing on Wednesday February 12th for the 16-year-old respondent in the attack on John Marvin Weed September 20th at the Great Frederick Fair. The 16-year-old is charged with two counts of 2nd degree assault. During the waiver hearing last week, Chief Prosecutors Laura Wilt (Juvenile), and Rebecca Clinton (Violent Crimes), made argument for the State.  A waiver hearing is a hearing in which the Court decides whether to grant or deny the State’s request to waive the juvenile to adult court jurisdiction.    The State filed a waiver petition on both juveniles which alleges that based on a number of factors the particular youths should be tried as adults, rather than in juvenile court.  The factors the court considers include the seriousness and nature of the offense, public safety, age of the youth, mental and physical condition, and the youth’s alleged amenability to juvenile rehabilitative measures.


In her written opinion, Judge Solt denied the State’s waiver motion concluding that the 16-year-old respondent’s case should remain in the juvenile system. State’s Attorney Charlie Smith stated that, “Last week in a closed proceeding we argued for waiver, the defense argued against.  Despite this being a closed juvenile proceeding, I am still allowed to inform the public about the scheduling or result of any step in any litigation.  With that said, today Judge Solt issued an opinion denying our motion to waive the 16 year old into the adult system.  I cannot comment on the substance of her findings in her ruling.  Given the ruling, all further litigation with regard to this case will remain in juvenile, and by law, will remain confidential as long as the proceedings are closed.”